Mar 2, 2012

Binary Number System

Learn binary code

Learning the Binary Code System couldn't be easier with the system you are about to read.
Typically when trying to convert binary into numbers people refer to a chart of some sort to get their numbers. From now on you will be able to convert numbers into Binary and Binary into numbers within seconds.

What you need to learn is the Binary Code. Essentially all you need to do is memorize the numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 etc... The pattern here is add the number to itself to get the next number. It's that easy. 1 plus 1 is 2. 2 + 2 is four, 4 + 4 is 8 etc...
The Binary Code is a series of 1's and 0's (ones and zeros).
A binary number looks like this: 110011
Remember those numbers I should you? 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 etc?
When you are learning the binary code, all I ask you to do is write the numbers in reverse. So:
  See how this is written? We start with 1, then 2, 4, 8, 16 etc and it is done right to left. This is important as it makes learning the Binary Number System a piece of cake.

Now what you need to do is image underneath the Binary Number System is putting either a 1 or a 0 (one or a zero) under each number, starting from the right to the left.

So if we were to put a 0 underneath the number 1 in the chart above, then a number 1 under number two above, then another 1 above number four we would have an image like this:
Where 1 1 0 is the Binary Number.
So how do we convert 110 into a number? Simple. Wherever there is a 1 add the numbers above it together. In this case add the 4 and 2 giving 6.
Therefore 110 in binary is 6 in decimal.

So how about doing this in reverse? What is 22 in binary? What we need to do is put a 1 underneath all the numbers that will allow us to add up to 22. We can't use 32 as it is over 22. We can use 16 and the numbers below. But we need to use the numbers until they add up to 22.

So let's try it.
16 + 8 = 24 so that brings us over 22 and we know then we can't use 8 next.
16 + 4 = 20. Ok so we are nearly there. 20 + 2 = 22 great we reached out number. So with the Binary Number System just mark off underneath the numbers a 1 wherever we used the number. Where we didn't use the number put a 0.
 So we can now see that the number 22 in Binary is equal to 10110.

Have a look at this webpage here for a Binary to Decimal Calculator. Learn the Binary Number System first, then give it a try!
Share your comments on this tutorial, over on the blog
Please note that this tutorial is not a complete resource on learning Binary conversions. There are other methods too and we do not accept responsibility for any problems that may arise out of you using this system.

Cara Membuat Barcode Pada Microsoft Excel 2007

Microsoft Excel dapat digunakan sebagai database terbatas untuk menyalin nomor ke dalam format lain. Salah satu format yang berguna adalah kode bar standar, yang hanya merupakan font yang dapat diinstal dalam Windows. Ada dua jenis font bar code, yang disebut "kode-39" dan "kode-128". "Kode-128" kode bar memiliki carriage return spesifik dan "ruang" simbol, sementara "kode-39" font bar code tidak. Ketika membuat kode bar yang membutuhkan carriage return, "kode-128" font adalah salah satu yang diperlukan.



1. Download "Kode-128" bar huruf kode jika tidak telah terinstal di sistem Anda, Windows Vista dan Windows 7 baik datang dengan font kode-128 sebagai bagian dari paket font mereka default. Klik kanan pada file zip. Dan uncompress isinya.

2. Copy isi ke folder FONTS untuk sistem Anda, ini biasanya di C: \ WINDOWS \ folder.

3. Pastikan bahwa Kunci Nomor diaktifkan ke "On" (ini adalah "NumLock" tombol pada keyboard Anda.

4. Mulai Excel, kemudian masukkan informasi ID Anda ingin mengkonversi ke dalam format kode bar di kolom A. Sisipkan simbol carriage return ASCII dengan menekan "Alt" dan memasukkan "0109" dengan keypad numerik.

5. Masukkan formula "= A1" dalam sel B1. Pilih sel B1 dan mengubah font ke "Barcode-128."

6. Copy sel B1 dan paste ke bawah untuk baris sebanyak yang Anda masukkan nomor ID pada Langkah 4. Anda akan berakhir dengan dua kolom, salah satunya dengan data numerik untuk produk Anda, dan yang lainnya dengan kode bar yang cocok, diformat dengan benar.

cara mudah membuat barcode dengan corel X5

Seharian ini rencananya mau bikin list untuk majalah PC Media dan info Linux.. udah bikin kotak di MS. Word tinggal di kasih tulisan, tiba-tiba ada usul dari mas panji “gimana kalo ada barcodenya aja nyuk??” lalu akhirnya buka internet nyari-nyari cara bikin barcode,, udah ketemu situs yang bisa bikin barcode kemudian di print,di test langsung aja pake scanner barcode…..lhooo kuk gak bisa kebaca yah?? kita coba cari tahu lagi, mulai dari buka situs terus buka situs lalu buka situs yang lain sampai akhirnya ke situs tetep aja gak nemu jawabannya… di depan komputer hampir sejam, kemudian mbak dini ngasih solusi, bikin di excel lalu ada yang dirubah, bla.. bla.. bla…  dan ujung-ujungnya cari tahu sendiri juga… wkwkwkwk…..
tapi ternyata ada cara gampang untuk bikin barcode, (di kasih ilmu sama mas panji dan di bantu mas mumu *terimakasih*) :
1. Install corel X5 di komputer anda.
2. lalu menu Edit lalu pilih Insert Barcode
3. Beri nama barcode-nya next,
4. atur ukurannya lalu next,
5 klik Finish.
Gampang kan??? soo mau apa lagi yang di tunggu?? :D